Character essay on Romeo

I enjoyed reading about Romeo the main character in the play “Romeo and Juliet” because of his impulsive actions and the
events that occurred because of these actions. I also enjoyed watching this young, inexperienced lover quickly react to situations even if his decisions weren’t always the right ones to take.

In this play Romeo is a very emotional and spontaneous character who I think, throughout the play developed into a more mature man towards the end. Often Romeos impulsive actions would cause tension, which would lead on to action scenes such as when Romeo had chased and killed Tybolt in the middle of Verona as well as purchasing the poison to kill himself even though Juliet wasn’t really dead.

I thought Romeo had shown a lot of courage and bravery throughout the play about things that he thought were right to do, such as when he tried to break up the fighting between Tybolt and Mercutio even though Tybolt was giving him a beating. Another scene when he showed bravery was when his love for Juliet drove him to climb over the walls of the Montague home to see Juliet and express his love for her.
Romeo helped to understand the main idea of the play revenge and the consequences that come with it by his impulsive actions, and by him killing Tybolt. An event in the play that clearly showed revenge to me was when Romeo killed Tybolt. This event of Romeo chasing Tybolt through Verona and killing him clearly shows the main idea of revenge because Tybolt was murdered out of the revenge for Mercutios death by Tybolt. This event also shows the consequences of revenge by the banishment of Romeo from Verona because of Tybolts death, this banishment also blossoms into an even bigger consequence; the death of both Romeo and Juliet. This event as well as showing revenge and the consequences, shows Romeos impulsiveness. An example is when he should of waited for the letter sent to him by Friar Laurence, but instead rushes to Juliet’s side and kills himself by her bedside because he had thought that she was dead, even though she wasn’t and had just awoken.

In conclusion I enjoyed reading about Romeo because of his impulsive actions, and the way he would act on occurrences so quickly even if his actions weren’t always the right ones to take. Romeo helped me to understand the main idea of revenge and consequences mainly out of his impulsive actions, and his share desire of love for Juliet.
  By Devon Walton